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主頁  > 專欄  > Annie Leong Look & Cook 2010 年 06 月 29 日


梁許安璞(Annie Leong)於2005 年4 月開始撰寫這個專欄,隨後更出版了《安璞.滋味.知美》及《安璞.滋味.知緣》兩本烹飪書。憑着她對食物的極端執着與狂熱,對任何菜式都鍥而不捨地解構烹調技巧及製作完美食譜,深得忠實讀者的擁護。梁太於2007年10 月成立了www.cookwithannnie.com 網站,透過網站的討論區,與會員直接互動,交流各式各樣的題材、疑問和意見,也為她帶來更多刺激的新方向。梁許安璞熱情傾注的非凡入廚之旅,就只等你開卷一讀! annie.leong@singtaonewscorp.com





橄欖油 3湯匙+1湯匙 3 tbsp + 1 tbsp olive oil
意大利番茜(切碎) 2湯匙+1茶匙 2 tbsp = 1 tsp finely chopped ltalian parsley
蒜片 1茶匙 1 tsp garlic flakes
銀鱈魚塊 3件 3 pcs black cod fillets
普通麵粉 1湯匙 1 tbsp all-purpose flour
魚湯 1/2杯 1/2 cup fish stock
白酒 1/4杯 1/4 cup white wine
海鹽 1茶匙 1 tsp sea salt
500克 500g clams


1. 請魚販將銀鱈魚切塊,每塊約3吋闊。清洗後,用乾淨的布將魚塊徹底擦乾。
Ask the fishmonger to slice the black cod fillets into 3-inch widths. Wash and clean the fillet and dry very well with a clean cloth.
2. 在魚皮上撒上1茶匙海鹽。
Season the fish skin with 1 tsp sea salt.
3. 猛火燒紅闊底煎鍋(煎鍋的尺寸必須足夠讓所有魚塊和蜆放平)。加入3湯匙橄欖油,燒至冒煙。
Heat a heavy bottomed saute pan to very very hot(The saute pan should be large enough to hold the fish and clams in a single layer). Add 3 tbsp olive oil and heat to smoking point.
4. 將魚塊放在燒紅的煎鍋上,魚皮向下,煮1分鐘。魚皮起初會有少許黏着鍋底。當魚皮變得略脆,便不會再黏鍋底。可用鑊鏟輕推魚塊來確定魚塊是否煮好;如果魚塊能移動,即魚皮已變香脆。
Place the fish skin side down on the hot frying pan over high heat and cook for 1 minute. Initially, the skin will stick to the pan. When the skin turns crispy, it will no longer stick. To tell when the fish is ready to be taken out, use a spatula and gently give the fillets a push; if they move, that means the skin is crispy.
5. 取出魚塊,然後均勻地灑上1湯匙麵粉。
Take the fish out, and sprinkle 1 tbsp of flour all over the fish.
6. 用中火把煎鍋燒熱至中等熱度,炒香蒜片。
Gently heat the saute pan to medium hot; saute the garlic till fragrant.
Return the fish, skin side down, to the pan. Add the clams and 1 tbsp chopped parsley.
Splash in 1/4 cup white wine, and once it is reduced, add the 1/2 cup fish stock. Cover the saute pan, and lower the heat. Simmer for 2 minutes.
9. 然後將魚塊翻轉,蓋上鍋蓋,輕搖煎鍋再煮,直至蜆殼打開,魚塊煮好,約8分鐘。
Then turn the fish to skin side up. Cover the pan, shake it now and then continue to simmer until the clams open and the fish is cooked through, about 8 minutes.
Take all the clams out and set aside.
Bring everyting to a boil; check the seasoning. Now sprinkle in another tbsp of the chopped parsley.
Divide the fish and clams among three plates. Stir the juices in the pan and spoon over the fish and into the clams. Sprinkle with the remaining 1 tsp parsley and lace some olive oil onto in. Serve!